Eamon Murray

Eamon Murray plays the bodhran with BEOGA and is one of the most sought after players and teachers in the world. He has been one of the teachers at the Craiceann Summer School on Inis Oirr for many years. I met him there and soon the conversation turned to the development of a signature tipper for him. As I was already making the first attempts at my MOgrip series, it is not surprising that our joint development resulted in a member of this series for Eamon. The EMo!

Eamon about EMo:

“Here’s my signature line tipper/stick/thing ye hit with! Made by Stevie Moises it’s the business! We had a few goes at it and this is the finished product. The grip suits all styles, which was important when we were developing it. I find myself using it more and more these days, for sessions and for around 90% of the gigs that I’m doing. If ye fancy having a go on one you can order it here!”


  • MOgrip olive wood handle, very fine yet powerful click  19 x  3mm bamboo dowels,  all dowels individually rounded
  • length 245 mm   weight app. 30 g
  • Price: € 48,00  incl. VAT, plus p&p